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Symposium #2

Promoting and Supporting Teacher Change: A vital step in enabling holistic pupil development

Author(s) David Grecic1; Andrew Sprake1; Efstathios Christodoulides 2 Ilija Klincarov 3              

Institution1 University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK

Institution2, University of Central Lancashire, Larnaca, Cyprus


Institution3 UKIM University “St. Cyril and Methodius” – Skopje, North Macedonia

Children’s health and wellbeing is a world-wide concern. Many strategies, policies and curricula profess to promote children’s holistic development to address these worries. Physical Education is often co-opted to play its part with PE teachers seen as vital catalysts for change. Despite much research attention there have been limited positive outcomes reported from teaching interventions. This symposium presents the view that it is the teachers themselves, and changes in teacher knowledge, attitudes and practice that is the essential first step in enabling the desired positive outcomes to be achieved. Theory surrounding the change process will be presented with results from an initial pilot. The potential barriers and enablers of teacher change will then be explored and attendees encouraged to complete their own teacher change readiness and willingness assessment. Finally a new model of teacher change development will be introduced with associated work shop activities to demonstrate its operation and value for teacher learning and reflection. Holistic approaches to PE will be the topic of investigation for these activities with the focus on establishing a better understanding of the diverse needs and challenges teachers face. The objective being to provide attendees a more detailed framework by which they can discuss, reflect upon and plan the decisions that are required to impact positive change in their environment.

Dr David Grecic is the Professor of Sport and Physical Education at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), Preston, UK. David was a PE teacher in the UK before taking on subsequent Head of Department, Senior Management and Leadership roles. He is now the Head of Research and Innovation for Sport and Health Sciences at UCLan and as such is instrumental in developing and supporting new international projects. His research interests include all areas of pedagogy with a strong focus on how practitioners make their decisions in the field, and in particular how epistemology impacts this process. David is also the Director of the Institute for Coaching and Performance (ICaP), a board member of the World Physical Education Alliance, and Co-Director of the UCLan-HNNU Joint Research and Knowledge Exchange Centre for Sport and Physical Education.

Dr. Andrew Sprake is a Lecturer in Physical Education and Sport and Course Leader for the Masters in Physical Education and School Sport at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), Preston, UK. Andrew was a Teacher of Secondary Physical Education prior to becoming a Lecturer and he completed his PhD in 2022, entitled The Place of Learning and Literacy in Physical Education. His research interests include socio-cultural issues in Physical Education and sport, teacher socialisation in Physical Education, the micropolitics of educational leadership, initial teacher education (ITE) and physical education teacher education (PETE), supervisor-student role perceptions in postgraduate research, and qualitative research methodologies. Andrew is a member of a range of relevant associations, including: the North Western Counties PE Association (NWCPEA) – Executive Committee Member; European Physical Education Association – Vice Representative for the West Region; the International Federation for Physical and Sports Education (FIEPS) – English National Delegate; the European Physical Education Review (EPER) – International Editorial Advisory Board Member; the Association for Physical Education (afPE) – Quality Mark Validator; the International Physical Literacy Association (IPLA) – Special Interest Group for Education Member; he is also a Secondary School Governor (North West England).

Dr. Efstathios Christodoulides is the Course Leader in BSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Sciences at the University of Central Lancashire Cyprus (UCLan Cyprus), where he also holds the UNESCO Chair on Governance and Social Responsibility in Sport. He is a Fulbright Scholar Alumni (New York, USA) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the United Kingdom. He serves as the Country Lead for the International Physical Literacy Association and Cyprus National Delegate for FIEPS. He holds a PhD in Sports and Social Sciences from the Semmelweis University, Doctoral School in Budapest, and an MEd in Physical Education and Sports Science from the Hungarian University of Sports Science in Budapest. He coordinates and actively participates in national and international projects (e.g. E+ Sports ePhyLi, VIBES). He has worked in European countries such as Switzerland, Sweden, and Hungary, as well as in the United States of America.

lija Klincharov, PhD, is the professor at the Faculty of physical education sport and health at University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia, He teaches the subjects in area of physical education Didactics with 30 years teaching experience in this area. He was the President of the commission for physical education teacher’s state exams, and members of state boards for national physical education curriculum development. He is a member of many national and international organizations in area of sport sciences. He is National delegate in the oldest Association for physical education in the world (FIEPS) for more than 20 years, and as a representative from Europe he has participated as an invited speaker at the first Congress of the World physical education association (WPEA) in Shanghai China, in 2023.